Roy McCann 교수 초청 강연
개최일시 : 2017년 12월 13일 수요일
개최장소 : 연세대학교 제2공학관 최고위과정 세미나실
세미나 제목 : Reduced Model of a Wind Generation Transmission System using Synchrophasor Data
강연자 : Roy McCann / University of Arkansas, USA
초청자 : 전기전자공학과 교수 신용준
발표 초록 :
The increasing capacity of wind generation in the US creates challenges to operating electric power transmission systems. Improved models are needed by planners, regulators and transmission operators in order to fully utilize available wind energy resources while performing electricity market transactions and conforming to reliability standards. This presentation provides the results of a systematic method for deriving and validating reduced transmission models for remotely located wind generation capacity. A new 456-bus wind generation model is described. The accuracy of the reduced model is improved and validated from synchrophasor measurements. Case studies are given with comparison of PMU data to the reduced model corresponding to (1) circuit breaker operation removing a 345kV transmission line from service (2) removal of 155 MW of generation. Results confirm the accuracy of the model.